Which cards do I learn?
Just Italian shows you two types of cards:
Reviews are cards that you have already learned at an earlier point in time. After a while, you need to review the card, to check whether you still remember the translation.
The time interval between reviews depends on how hard / easy the card is for you. If you rate it with a red button like hard, the card will be shown again soon. If you rate it easy, it will appear less often with every review.
The Learning Queue
Reviews behave like a queue: Once a card is learned for the first time, it belongs to your Learning Queue. These cards are queueing up to be reviewed by you. At the top of the queue are always those cards that you need to review soon (either because they have a short time interval, or because you have not reviewed them for a long time). If you grade a card hard, it will be inserted again into the queue near the top, so that you can practice it again soon. Cards deemed easy are put back into the queue more towards the end, so that you won't see them again soon.
Do I really need to review cards that are very easy for me?
In the end, this is up to you. If you encounter a card which is so easy that you are sure you won't ever forget it, you can also
it. In this case, it won't appear in your reviews anymore.However, be sure that you do only use the
button for cards that you are really sure you won't forget. It might be the case that at the moment, you know a word for sure, but after a few months or after a year, it might have slipped from your memory.If you are unsure, it is better to keep the card in your reviews by grading it too easy. In this case, it will appear again, but only after a longer time interval.
New Cards
New cards are shown to you based on the courses you subscribed to.
Each of these courses consists of an ordered list of cards. If you are subscribed to a course, you will see the cards of that course in the order they are in the course. Just Italian will show you the first card in the course which you do not yet have learned.
Language level
The language level too has an influence on the cards being displayed. You can read about it in the next chapter.