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When should I learn?

As far as we know, there isn't a universal "best time of the day" for learning a language. Often, the answer is quite simple: now might be a good time!

But if you are looking for a recommendation: Some people immediately learn their daily lesson after getting up in the morning. For others, it's the last thing before going to bed. Often, people learn while commuting, on the train or on the loo.


A few recommendations:

  • It's certainly better to learn at at time when you are really awake. Late at night, when you are already in bed, might not be the best time.
  • It might be a good idea to learn at the same time every day.
  • With your day already busy with work, family, and friends, it's easy to forget your daily lesson. That's why Just Italian offers a daily reminder feature. You can enable it during the tutorial, as well as in the settings.


When you reach your daily goal, the app displays a fire symbol 🔥 - a Streak has begun. Every day you reach your daily goal, your streak gets one day longer. Try not to break your streak - if you do, you have to start over at day 1.


The streak can be useful to get you to practice every day. If you leave out one day of practice, your streak will begin again from scratch. When you have reached a streak of 50 or 200 days, you will make sure to learn every day to keep the streak running!