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What else does Just Italian offer?

Just Italian offers a lot more:

Example Sentences

Most words in Just Italian come with example sentences that provide context for word translations. For example, if an English word has several Italian translations, you can use these examples to learn which Italian translation is used in which context. Every example sentence can be added separately as a card, so you will be able to practice that context specifically.

Sentence Structure Analysis

Just Italian offers detailed analysis of sentence structures, with conjugation tables and inflection information on verbs.

Practice Single Words from every Sentence

Just Italian offers the possibility to pick single words from phrases, to learn them separately.

Vocabularies (Word Collections)

Choose from a vast collection of vocabularies on various topics (Business, People, Travel, Sports, etc.), as well as collections of Italian verbs and nouns.


If you want to see what Just Italian has to offer, read on! The following chapters offer a detailed description of all the features, illustrated with screenshots and screen recordings.