Sentence Structure Modal

The Sentence Structure Modal will be shown if you press the (i) button on a sentence card, next to an Italian sentence.

This modal shows the sentence structure by displaying each individual word of the sentence, together with information about this word:
- Sentence: The sentence this modal is about.
- Close Button: This button dismisses the modal.
- Individual Word: A scrollable list of the words in the sentence. Here, we have the word "riunita".
- Add Button: Besides the word, we have an Add Button, which offers various information about this particular word (word card, Thesaurus and translations, as well as verb conjugations).
- Word Translations: The direct translations of the word.
- Word Type: The type of the word (Part-Of-Speech), see below.
- Base Form: "riunita" is an inflection of the verb riunire. For inflected words, we show the base form together with translations.
- Inflection Type: For inflected words, we also show the type of the inflection. In this case, "riunita" is the past participle of the word "riunire".

For composita (concatenated words), we show how the word is made up from individual words:
- Composited Word: The word "leggerlo" is a composited word.
- First Word Part: "legger" is the first part of the composited word. It really is the verb "leggere", meaning "to read".
- Second Word Part: "lo" is the first part of the composited word. It means "it" or "him".
As you can see, "leggerlo" is made up from the words "leggere" "lo", so it means "to read it".