Logon and Logoff
After having completed the tutorial, we recommend you to log in, or to create an account. To accomplish this, press the account button on the top left of the home screen and then press "Log in".
If you already have an account, you can cancel the tutorial and log in by pressing the Login Button at the top left.
How can I log in?
Just Italian currently offers two ways to log in:
- The simplest way is Apple Authentification. Just press "Sign in with Apple", and you will be signed in using your Apple ID.
- If you prefer the classical way, you can also log in with your email address and password. Just press "Log in with email / password".
Do I need to create an account?
There is no strict requirement to login, or to create an account. After completing the tutorial, you have almost the full functionality of the app at your disposal. There are a few limitations:
- If you uninstall the app or lose your device, you will lose all your progress. There is no way to log in and restore it.
- You cannot learn on more than one device.
- You cannot create your own cards.
If you log in, these limitations are removed. You can log in at any time, even after completing the tutorial. After having created an account, all your data is secured and can be restored on any device.
If you do not log in, it might happen that you lose all your progress and have to start from scratch, for example if you lose your device!